Douglas Fir & Lodgepole Pine Firewood

Rough Cut Lumber & Slabs

Delivery Included Over Colorado Front Range

About Us

Hammond Firewood wants to bring the enjoyment of a real wood burning fire to individuals throughout the Colorado Front Range at a reasonable price. Hammond Firewood is an established individually owned business created in 2011 by David Hammond centrally located in Elizabeth, Colorado. We specialize in reusing Lodge Pole and Douglas Fir Pine from Summit and Jefferson County, Colorado and local sawmills in an effort to bring customers firewood with quality customer service.

We include the delivery in the price.

Hammond Firewood wants to be closely involved in the local communities by bringing a quality product to our customers. In order to make Hammond Firewood a household name and the number one place to go for firewood and quality customer service please give us a call to answer any questions.

Current Prices 

  1 Cord           1/2 Cord         1/4 Cord

 $300.00          $200.00          $100.00

              2 Cord           3+ Cord

             $500.00       $250.00 Per                                                 Cord

              Rough Cut Lumber

    Request for Quote - $3.00 BDFT

    Payment Accepted:


            Payable to:
      Hammond Firewood

          Credit Cards*


*All Credit Card Transactions have a 5% processing charge 

Contact Us - Place an Order

Place an Order


Hammond Firewood Elizabeth, Colorado | 720-878-2054

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